I have had two books published, ‘Doodle Diary of a New Mum’ and ‘Busy Busy’. ‘Doodle Diary of a new mum’, published by Running Press in 2013, is a collection of captioned drawings that document my first year of motherhood. The book received widespread media coverage. Extracts from the book appearing in both print and online. It became the most viewed article of the week on ‘Buzzfeed’. Soon after it entered the top 100 books sold worldwide on Amazon.
My animated doodle video diary - ‘Today’s Achievement; Very Nearly Leaving the House’ also went viral. To view the video please scroll to the bottom of the page
My second book ‘Busy Busy’ (for children 3-5) was published the following year by Creston Books.
If my Doodle Diary illustrated some of the tougher bits of parenting, Busy Busy hopefully shows why all the effort is worth it. Prints from both books are available to buy here!
A sleep technique guaranteed to NEVER work
And the rest of the day is your own...
Thanks, just the confidence boost I needed
Please don't cut her finger off
Yes, I know it's too small for you but it was VERY expensive!
Oh, brilliant... You bought her a drum
And just where the hell do you think you're going mummy?!
Date Night
Whilst criticising my reflection, I remembered it grew a life - Go me!
Turns out sleep is quite important
Monday Morning
How early is too early?
Finally getting round to learn how to be a good parent
All I can see is teeth!
Gender Scan
After a simple re-mortgaging of my flat, I am now the proud owner of a pram
Pram shopping - Never studied so hard for anything
Enough of this silliness Mummy, now give me your phone.
Put one end in her nose then do what?!?!
New friends
Rebel from Birth
Hey, we're just driving past your house can we pop in?
Stairgate - How to push a mummy over the edge
How to depress a restaurant
I wonder why it's called 'lipstick latch'... 3months later - Oh, I see!!
Actual Torture
Small Victories
Best Conversation in Weeks
Best Conversation in Weeks
Come in and have a seat on my lovely sofa
Forensic view of sofa
Breast feeding in public = cool. Spraying breast milk into someones pint, not so!
2 mins to Party time
And the it hit me - I'm a grown up!
Sleep Training - As baby drifts off to sleep gentle remove breast
How to clear a bar
Busy busy
Thankyou, so helpful!
Asking a little too much of concealer...
Note to self - Do not apply fake tan then breast feed
Feeling sexy
Can I get you a glass?!
Health + Safety
A truly extraordinary poo
Heavy night
First Immunisations
There will be no money-shot today!
Obligatory bathtime hairdo
Packaging - It really is true
Sometimes I think you love that baby more than me...
Naked time = Poo roulette
Nothing is more interesting than a wee box of raisins
Hmm poppers
Oh, I see
Bastard lego, Asshole Sophie - Trying to make a quiet exit.
Shrine to wet wipes
Sophie the Giraffe Germ Lottery
Ironically being trapped under a sleeping baby only increases the potential to spend
Well that's you packed, I'll just take a change of pants
Erm.. the on button, I know this...
Whoa there boy!!
Now, now silly billy
This is a fucking outrage!!
My living room at 7am
7.06am Someone's up!
Don't wrap a naked baby in a family heirloom!
If you drop me, I will never forget
The joy of long car journeys
The rabbit started it
Oh Good Grief!